As Abram has grown and started eating more, I have constantly been worried that my milk supply is not enough to keep up with him. This may be an irrational worry, as he usually seems to be able to make it about three hours in between feedings. However, the many times that he is absolutely out of control while eating makes me question my supply nearly every day. I have tried fenugreek and mother's milk tea and herbal drops for water and lots and lots of water and no caffeine and none of it seems to have made a permanent change. I thought I had reached the end of my options and would just have to wean him sooner than I had wanted if it didn't improve. Last Wednesday, however, as I sat in the NICU with my friend and her ever-growing, soon-to-be-home baby girl, a male hospital worker interrupted our conversation about breast feeding trials. "Have you heard of breast milk cookies?" The surprise of the big Hawaiian man entering our conversation was startling enough, but...