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Showing posts from March, 2011

... of a very tasty last resort

As Abram has grown and started eating more, I have constantly been worried that my milk supply is not enough to keep up with him. This may be an irrational worry, as he usually seems to be able to make it about three hours in between feedings. However, the many times that he is absolutely out of control while eating makes me question my supply nearly every day. I have tried fenugreek and mother's milk tea and herbal drops for water and lots and lots of water and no caffeine and none of it seems to have made a permanent change. I thought I had reached the end of my options and would just have to wean him sooner than I had wanted if it didn't improve. Last Wednesday, however, as I sat in the NICU with my friend and her ever-growing, soon-to-be-home baby girl, a male hospital worker interrupted our conversation about breast feeding trials. "Have you heard of breast milk cookies?" The surprise of the big Hawaiian man entering our conversation was startling enough, but...

... of a real mini Quinn

Abram had his four month check up today. Here are the stats: 12lb 9.6oz and 25.25 inches long. So he hasn't doubled his birth weight yet, but we are close! He is in the 55% for height and the 20% for weight. The doctor also added that he is really strong and has great muscle tone, even though he's skinny. So, basically, he is exactly like his dad. Tall, skinny, and deceptively strong. He has had a tough week this week. traveling from Austin to San Antonio and back (4 hours) Saturday, from Austin to Paris, TX (6 hours) Monday, from Paris to Poteau, OK and back (5 hours) Tuesday, and Paris to Austin (6 hours) Wednesday. Needless to say he does not enjoy his car seat very much right now. Nana was in town - which was the reason for the trip to see family - and she got some good pictures from the week. Here he is hanging with Aunt Liesl at a burger place in San Antonio. By the way, she is the only person we can liken Abram to at the moment. Which greatly confuses Quinn an...

... of a Babram Einstein.

But not really. I just happened to catch a few Abram moments today that make him seem like a little genius. Here is is saying "mom" That is actually part of a two minute video where he says "mom" THREE times. But it takes a lot of listening to me to get to the good parts. I think he's just a really good parrot... which I guess means I need to be very careful. Here he is reading: And drooling. Here he is making out with a blinking face toy: I think this also means we need to be very careful. The fact is that he is a normal almost 4 month old: beginning to sleep through the night, taking more regular naps, holding his own head up, etc. But by the next post, expect videos of him discussing the theory of relativity. Or not.

... of a little variety

My life has been consumed by Abram for the last fifteen and a half weeks. Therefore, my blog has been consumed by Abram for the last... more than fifteen and a half weeks. I was such a complainer during my pregnancy (especially during the last trimester) that the last many months of my blog have been consumed by Abram. I just returned from a baby shower for a friend that had her baby at 29 weeks. Praise God, Elliot Grace is a tough little cookie and is doing amazingly well, but my friend recently told me that she was mourning the loss of her third trimester. This made me realize that as tough as those last three months were, I am so glad that Abram was born full term and very healthy. I told Quinn that next time I promise to be much less complainy and count my many, many blessings... Just had to put that in writing so I can read it and remember my promise when that time comes and I am tempted to forget. I made a quilt for Miss Elliot Grace and documented the process, just for fun. ...

... of conversation

"That's right, folks! It's only a matter of time until they won't be able to shut me up..." Not much time to blog lately, but I thought I would share some (low quality) pics. We basically went from taking insane amounts of pictures when Abram was born to taking almost none with a real camera. So my phone is the only place that we are getting any documentation of his fast and furious development. The fun thing is that it DOES take video, so I get a little more eventful stuff to share. He has been talking a lot lately. I haven't figured out if he is just babbling for babblings sake or if he does it when he needs to spit up. Usually these conversations follow a feeding and are followed by some kind of liquid. Sorry. But here is Abram conversing. If my mac were working, I would love to be able to add captions for what I imagine him to be saying. Oh well, maybe it's better for you to use your own imagination. We've also been working on playing with t...