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Showing posts from April, 2011

... of true housewifery

Well, a midwife practices midwifery. So a housewife would practice housewifery, right? The red, auto correct line begs to differ. But, regardless, as the days go by and my post halfway around the world trip funk wanes, I find the enormous gap separating me and Donna Reed closing in. Abram is a little skeptical. But I'm out to prove it to him and Quinn. Today, I am on my third load of laundry and I have at least three more to go. Now, I will not emphasize the fact that we have been back for more than a week and I haven't done laundry until now, which is why I am up to my ears in it at this point. But I was sick, people. I've just recently started being able to eat again. And, boy am I eating. Last night I made dinner AND dessert. From scratch. A cake. From scratch. ME! I was inspired by this extremely appetizing bowl of dates that someone gave Quinn when we were in the Middle East. We've taken it to every gathering we've gone to in the past week and a ha...

...of never traveling again.

Alright. That's a bit of an overstatement, but we are definitely going to be taking as much of a break as possible. We are a bit worn out and our poor five month old is feeling the effects. We took Abram to Idaho at three months (four plane rides), I took him to north Texas and Oklahoma at four months (16 hours in the car), and we just took him to the Arabian Peninsula at almost five months (four plane rides totaling about 36 hours in the air). Luckily he did fairly well on the overseas flights. We were blessed with an extra seat on the way there and bulk head seats where they attached a bassinet to the wall for him on the way back. So he slept most of the time on those flights. I did not. I hate that I have never been able to sleep on planes. As tired as I may be and as much as I know I need to sleep, I can never ever get comfortable. Quinn essentially takes many hours of little naps and gets a little more rested, but not much better. All in all, the plane rides were th...