So we are having another baby. Whew. There, I said it. No creative lead up and stunning reveal. Just there . Baby. Bam. That's a little what it felt like to find out that a third child would be joining our ranks a bit short of 3.5 years after our first child was born. We were content with our two. A boy and a girl. Who could ask for anything more, right? Also, Quinn and I each have just one sister, so it seemed natural for us to stop at two. So that's what we were working to do. I won't go into the details of it all with you in this forum, but we really were attempting to avoid pregnancy. So this wasn't a "woops" moment. This was a "many things happening coincidentally" moment. And so when we confirmed that we were, indeed, expecting another baby, there was a bit of shock (of course), but also peace and assurance in knowing that God definitely showed us His hand in it. We told Abram pretty early on and he...