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Showing posts from September, 2013

...of three

So we are having another baby.  Whew.  There, I said it.  No creative lead up and stunning reveal.  Just there .  Baby.  Bam. That's a little what it felt like to find out that a third child would be joining our ranks a bit short of 3.5 years after our first child was born.  We were content with our two.  A boy and a girl.  Who could ask for anything more, right?  Also, Quinn and I each have just one sister, so it seemed natural for us to stop at two. So that's what we were working to do.  I won't go into the details of it all with you in this forum, but we really were attempting to avoid pregnancy. So this wasn't a "woops" moment.  This was a "many things happening coincidentally" moment.  And so when we confirmed that we were, indeed, expecting another baby, there was a bit of shock (of course), but also peace and assurance in knowing that God definitely showed us His hand in it. We told Abram pretty early on and he...

... of a great idea

I posted this video on Facebook. So this is for people who follow the blog that aren't on facebook (read: grandparents) Can you tell we do a lot of pretend flying to Austin, Colorado, and Boise in our playtime? :) Sorry I haven't been posting more.  Lost of stuff happening here and not much time to just sit down and upload and write.  We actually never take out the good camera any more.  Horrible.  Horrible parents, we are. Just kidding.  More like just parents, we are.

...of a wonderfully painful lesson

A week ago, I lost my temper.  I'm not an outward temper looser.  Like, you don't have to be worried if you are around me and I loose it.  You may not even notice.  I really don't do it that  often.  When I loose my temper, I loose it on the inside.  You might see my neck tendons stick out a bit, maybe my teeth gritting (if you are looking closely), possibly some wide eyes and clenched fists, but that's probably it.  So it doesn't seem that bad from the outside, but inside... oh, inside, it's bad.  I never knew how bad until I actually hurt myself doing this inside-temper-loosing.  And God is using it to teach me a serious lesson.   It was a normal day with two kids... (did not mean for that to sound like the beginning of a "Rescue 911 episode, but I'll go with it)... only I was tired and already on edge.  I was just looking forward to the hour that I might get to have alone with both kids sleeping as I took Abram into the k...