I've been scouring this blog for Abram's stats when he was a newborn. Just trying to give myself hope that, despite the difficulties with nursing and weight gain, Simon will survive and thrive. And because they are so similar: same nursing issues, gas pains, spit up, constipation, face (I mean, they are quite literally the same baby...), I thought comparing what happened with Abram was more appropriate than it would be otherwise. They were within an ounce of each other at birth and Abram was 10lbs at 10 weeks. Simon is 8.8 lbs at 6 weeks. That seems comparable! Simon has gained about 4.5 oz in the last 5 days, which is pretty normal gain, so I'm feeling hopeful. Despite the fact that nursing still takes an hour or more of work on my part. After the first visit to the osteopath, his gas pain has seemed to improve considerably. We are headed back tomorrow for another session and to beg for a discount, since they charge the same for a short session with an infant as...