We are going to Boise for Christmas this year. Last year we stayed here because Abram was only a few weeks old and we got ourselves a real tree. It was the first real tree I've ever had. It smelled really good. So that was nice. The mess it created was not so nice. Our cat was also a little hard to control around it and I have a feeling that a cat and a one year old would be exponentially harder to control. So, needless to say, we are not having a tree this year. Not worth it. So we only have a few Christmas things up, but it's enough to feel like Christmas really is on the verge. We hung our stockings. Abram has his own with his name now. I also made some "bunting". I didn't know that's what little flags on a string were called until pinterest . Quinn told me the other day exactly what "hallelujah" means (after hearing a John Piper sermon, of course). It basically means "Come on! Let's worship the Lord!" Pretty cool. So ...