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...of disappointment

An update:

It seems that the 16 hours of 3-7 minute apart contractions I experienced were a sign of... nothing.

We are back to sporadic Braxton Hicks for the last day. And while I have felt some pressure down there when she moves, she hasn't dropped yet.

All a build up to nothing :( Sadness. But God knows why it happened that way. There was a reason and I may never know it, but I am trusting Him and trying to limit my research into false labor and helping a baby drop etc. The only things I'm doing now are belly binding when I go out (more for comfort sake) and trying to get some rest. I did take Benedryl last night and I was able to sleep through the night, but am still tired today. So I'm hoping I can get some natural sleep tonight.

Sorry for crying wolf! Thank you for your prayers and for reading my back and forth ramblings about labor. My next appointment is Tuesday morning and I will hopefully things have progressed a little bit, maybe even a lot a bit.

I "called" Abram's birthday in a blog post and he came the day that I predicted that week. You can read that old rambling post here, if you want.
*Fun fact that that post ("On the verge... of the big wait") is my most viewed post, specifically because I use the words "traditional Nigerian wedding attire" in it and it shows up as a result in google searches for that phrase. Hey! Now this post will do the same thing! Sorry people who got here looking for traditional Nigerian Wedding attire :( Go to the link if you want to see a fuzzy picture of the actual thing.)*
Anyway, I'll go ahead and "call" Selah's birthday here and even use the same words (just in case that helps): " If I had my way she would come around Tuesday this week." There. Done. Probably not going to happen, but just in case...

When I was looking up that post for the link, Quinn and I got a little distracted and ended up scrolling though and looking at all the blog posts since Abram was born. It started out as a "Aww! That's what having a newborn was like!" experience, in anticipation of Selah's arrival. But we just kept going. Watching Abram grow from a tiny cone headed squishy face to a pretty cute little man. Surreal. And now we will experience it all over again. With a girl. I'm wondering if it will feel any different in the beginning of her life than it did with Abram or if we won't hit the "Wow, girls and boys are really different to parent" until they are a little older. I am guessing the latter, but we'll see!

I promise I'll only post about real labor from now on :)


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