There is a really cute photo that I found on pinterest months ago and I decided that I wanted to try and recreate it with Selah. It took some foresight, but I made it happen.
I'm a total copy cat... but that's what pinterest is for, right? Pinspiration.
Now for an update on our first first days back at home and some photos!
Here is a comparison of Selah and Abram's newborn photos. I think they look a lot alike. So does Quinn.
Abram giving kisses.
He really likes giving Selah kisses. So far we've kept the kisses off of her face because of the constant snot stream flowing from Brother's nose. We focus on the top of the head and, in this video, the feet.
Because Quinn wants to make sure that his son stays very manly with all the headbands and leg warmers and pink around here, he's been playing with him outside a bunch and doing boy things. Like playing with sticks...
(Not really. They were just pushing it back to the shed.)
And Abram has been more interested in Obie (or "Oh") recently. Here they are hanging out on the window sill together.
Overall we are doing good! I'm still in recovery mode. I thought I was going to just snap back into normalcy very quickly, but I may have over extended myself the first few days and now I am experiencing a good amount of discomfort. So I'm going to try and take it easy and literally lay down more often over the next few days. Easier said than done with a newborn and a toddler. Guess I'll have to take full advantage of my wonderful help!
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