We still can't figure out this one nap / two naps thing over here. Actually (and I think I've shared this), he has only been taking one nap for awhile now. The issue is when that one nap is. If it's too early, then it's shorter and he really needs a "rest" later in the afternoon. This is good for my relaxing, but not for being able to go out and do things. Sometimes I can get him to last until 12 or 1, but he's not really hungry yet then and I worry that he won't sleep as long because he will get hungry during his nap and it will be too short for one nap.
Today, I took him to the mall and we walked around and bought one thing and then brought him back home. I fed him a pack of Baby Mum Mums and a kids Cliff bar while we were shopping, so I thought that would be snack enough to get him through an early afternoon nap. But I laid him down at 12:30 and by 1:30, he was not asleep. Seemed weird, since he totally should be tired by that point. So I thought he was hungry. I had made pizza that he usually loves when he's hungry, so I went in there and got him. I explained to him that he was going to eat lunch and then go back down for a nap. He nodded. I know he only nodded because I said "Ok?!" at the end of the sentence and he always nods to that. When I gave him the pizza, all he did was pick the tomatoes off of it and refused to take a bite. He drank a few sips of milk and that was it. So I took him back to his room and put him in his crib. He was not a fan and cried for about 30 seconds after I left and is now back to just playing around in his crib for the last 15 minutes or so.
Argh. I have no idea how to navigate this change. We have become a lot more lax "schedule" wise, because there really isn't a schedule for naps any more. Maybe that's the problem. The only hard and fast thing is bedtime at 8:00/8:30. Other than that, we're kind of all over the place. It doesn't bother me as much as it would have when he was 9 or 10 months. I was like the schedule nazi back then. Perhaps this is God's way of preparing me (and all of us) for a non-existent, newborn schedule.
Well, here are some pictures of the Bug from the last few days, just because he's cute.

Today, I took him to the mall and we walked around and bought one thing and then brought him back home. I fed him a pack of Baby Mum Mums and a kids Cliff bar while we were shopping, so I thought that would be snack enough to get him through an early afternoon nap. But I laid him down at 12:30 and by 1:30, he was not asleep. Seemed weird, since he totally should be tired by that point. So I thought he was hungry. I had made pizza that he usually loves when he's hungry, so I went in there and got him. I explained to him that he was going to eat lunch and then go back down for a nap. He nodded. I know he only nodded because I said "Ok?!" at the end of the sentence and he always nods to that. When I gave him the pizza, all he did was pick the tomatoes off of it and refused to take a bite. He drank a few sips of milk and that was it. So I took him back to his room and put him in his crib. He was not a fan and cried for about 30 seconds after I left and is now back to just playing around in his crib for the last 15 minutes or so.
Argh. I have no idea how to navigate this change. We have become a lot more lax "schedule" wise, because there really isn't a schedule for naps any more. Maybe that's the problem. The only hard and fast thing is bedtime at 8:00/8:30. Other than that, we're kind of all over the place. It doesn't bother me as much as it would have when he was 9 or 10 months. I was like the schedule nazi back then. Perhaps this is God's way of preparing me (and all of us) for a non-existent, newborn schedule.
Well, here are some pictures of the Bug from the last few days, just because he's cute.

Anaka, your kid is CUTE! Hope yall are well.