It's been getting hot here in Austin. I don't watch the weather, so I don't know if we are officially into the hotness or if there will be some dip downs in the future. But today felt a lot like summer. It was a bit overcast, but really warm, so I decided it would be a good day to have a first with Abram: First time playing in the sprinkler.
Did you do that when you were a kid? We spent a lot of time in the summer running through the sprinkler. I don't know at what age we started this, but Abram doesn't seem to quite get the super-awesomeness of it yet. Maybe it was the lack of a playmate, maybe it was the water spraying him directly in the face that made him skeptical and not uberexcited. But overall, he enjoyed it.

Then he found a dirty puddle on the patio and enjoyed splashing in that even more than the sprinkler. Makes me think that our next first should be puddle jumping (one of my sister and my favorite things).
Also, my next purchase for him will be an appropriate sized swim suit. He was wearing 6-9 month trunks that had to sit really low on his hips because they didn't fit on his belly and a 3-6 month swim shirt to protect him from the sun. He probably doesn't need this in our nice and shaded backyard, but better to be safe than sorry (right, dermatologist friends and sisters!?)
Here's to backyard sprinkler running, popcicles, slip n slides, snow cones, and sweating it out in the Texas summer heat. And here's hoping that we don't have water restrictions this summer so sprinkler running can continue to be a viable outdoor activity.
Did you do that when you were a kid? We spent a lot of time in the summer running through the sprinkler. I don't know at what age we started this, but Abram doesn't seem to quite get the super-awesomeness of it yet. Maybe it was the lack of a playmate, maybe it was the water spraying him directly in the face that made him skeptical and not uberexcited. But overall, he enjoyed it.

Then he found a dirty puddle on the patio and enjoyed splashing in that even more than the sprinkler. Makes me think that our next first should be puddle jumping (one of my sister and my favorite things).
Also, my next purchase for him will be an appropriate sized swim suit. He was wearing 6-9 month trunks that had to sit really low on his hips because they didn't fit on his belly and a 3-6 month swim shirt to protect him from the sun. He probably doesn't need this in our nice and shaded backyard, but better to be safe than sorry (right, dermatologist friends and sisters!?)
Here's to backyard sprinkler running, popcicles, slip n slides, snow cones, and sweating it out in the Texas summer heat. And here's hoping that we don't have water restrictions this summer so sprinkler running can continue to be a viable outdoor activity.
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