We are trying to be very considerate and not potentially spread this wonderful viral disease to any of our friends. This has meant that we haven't really gone anywhere fun this whole weekend. We ate in on Friday night, I missed my friend's baby shower on Saturday, and we are skipping church today :(
Abram shouldn't be contagious anymore (the doctor said 24 hour fever free means not contagious.) He hasn't had a fever since Friday morning. But apparently HFMD incubates for four to six days. So the latest Quinn or I could have gotten it (if we did get it) is Thursday. And six days from Thursday is next Wednesday. So as long as we make it until then, we should be in the clear. But we could have it and be contagious and not know it. So we're being careful. Or I'm being careful. Quinn's not really and he has to go to work tomorrow, so I really hope he's ok.
I also haven't felt very well the last few days. I have contractions all. of. the. time. When I stand up, when I need to go to the bathroom, when I go to the bathroom, when I lean back on the couch, etc. They aren't painful. They aren't regular. So no one is worried (doctor or me). The only time I don't get them (as often) is when I actually lay down on my side. And then my awesome reflux makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. On top of that, I haven't gone the "bathroom" in awhile. So I took something. Yeah. So there's that happening. Don't dwell on that too long.
So yesterday and today, Quinn has been really wonderful doing everything for Abram and letting me lay on the couch as much as I need. Although I did make chicken tenders last night (which got the "I could have these every week" compliment from my husband). So now he even better understands why we watch TV in the mornings for just a bit - which we did yesterday.

Being just plain cute.
They are on a walk in the woods right now in the backpack. I'm sure Abram is loving it and will whine a lot when they get home and he is brought inside. Maybe the warmth and sun will be good for his little bumps, which are much better on his bummie (my dermatologist sister says they call it Hand, Foot, Mouth, and Butt Disease) and his feet, but a bit worse on his hands. Here's to hoping we are on the downhill slope and Quinn and I will continue to be healthy and bump free!
Abram shouldn't be contagious anymore (the doctor said 24 hour fever free means not contagious.) He hasn't had a fever since Friday morning. But apparently HFMD incubates for four to six days. So the latest Quinn or I could have gotten it (if we did get it) is Thursday. And six days from Thursday is next Wednesday. So as long as we make it until then, we should be in the clear. But we could have it and be contagious and not know it. So we're being careful. Or I'm being careful. Quinn's not really and he has to go to work tomorrow, so I really hope he's ok.
I also haven't felt very well the last few days. I have contractions all. of. the. time. When I stand up, when I need to go to the bathroom, when I go to the bathroom, when I lean back on the couch, etc. They aren't painful. They aren't regular. So no one is worried (doctor or me). The only time I don't get them (as often) is when I actually lay down on my side. And then my awesome reflux makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. On top of that, I haven't gone the "bathroom" in awhile. So I took something. Yeah. So there's that happening. Don't dwell on that too long.
So yesterday and today, Quinn has been really wonderful doing everything for Abram and letting me lay on the couch as much as I need. Although I did make chicken tenders last night (which got the "I could have these every week" compliment from my husband). So now he even better understands why we watch TV in the mornings for just a bit - which we did yesterday.
He looks so BIG!!
We've had to use some tactics to get Abram to eat in the mornings, as they seem to be the fussiest and most uncomfortable time for this hand, foot, and mouth kiddo. Tactics such as: putting shoes over his sleeper and letting him wander around the back yard distractedly eating an English muffin.

Being just plain cute.
They are on a walk in the woods right now in the backpack. I'm sure Abram is loving it and will whine a lot when they get home and he is brought inside. Maybe the warmth and sun will be good for his little bumps, which are much better on his bummie (my dermatologist sister says they call it Hand, Foot, Mouth, and Butt Disease) and his feet, but a bit worse on his hands. Here's to hoping we are on the downhill slope and Quinn and I will continue to be healthy and bump free!
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