Our... well, my... life has changed quite a lot in the last few weeks. With all of the crawling and pulling up and climbing and grabbing and cat hair, I just can't leave my child unattended anymore. For the moment, he is safe for a few unattended minutes at a time in his high chair or his walker, but those are getting more and more sketchy by the day. So that has made the productivity level drop significantly. Also we are fluctuating between two different schedules on any given day. The last two weeks have been comprised of what I like to call the A Schedule and the B Schedule.
The A schedule is as follows (because I know you all care so greatly... but this is more for posterity's sake than yours, so... there...)
6:00a - Wake up, nurse
7:00a - Back to sleep
9:00a - Wake up
9:30a - Breakfast
10:30a - Nap
11:30-12:00 ish - Wake up
1:30 - Lunch
2:00 - Nap
4:00-5:00ish - Wake up
5:00 - Snack
7:30 - Dinner
8:30 - Bed time
But the B Schedule is as follows:
7:30a - Wake up, Breakfast
9:00 - Nap
10:30-11:00ish - Wake up
11:30 - Lunch
1:30 - Nap
3:30-4:00ish - Wake up
4:00 - Snack
6:00 - Dinner
8:30 - Bottle, Bed time
The biggest problem is that that days are really very different, time wise. So when I try to make daytime plans with people, I plan based on the A Schedule (because it happens more often). But if turns out to be the B Schedule that day, I have to change plans or take a very fussy baby to visit people (which makes for a very fussy Mommy, as well).
Now, you may be thinking: Why don't you just wake him up at 6:00 to make sure you have always have the A Schedule. But I have two issues with that. 1: How will I ever know if he could eventually start sleeping until 7:30 consistently, if I keep waking him up at 6? And 2: If a crying baby doesn't wake my up at 6am... I am unlikely to wake up willingly at 6am, even to a blaring alarm clock. So, until he decides to get a bit more consistent, my friends will just have to deal with my making "window" appointments, i.e. "Yeah! We can come over! Is sometime between 11:30 to 12:30 ok?" Usually it is. So that's good.
So far today, we are on the A Schedule (which also means that we were unable to take Daddy to work today and he had to ride his bike. Poor, hot Daddy).
We played with Abram's wood blocks last night and this morning. One of my favorite/unfavorite new developments that is emerging is a very boy like propensity toward destruction. Last night Quinn kept trying to build stuff and Abram would see it and immediately smack it down. So I got them out again today (trying to work on colors with him) and even if he was entertained with something else, the second he would see what I had built, he would trek all the way over to smash it and then return to whatever he was doing before.
We are also working on what can go into his mouth and what can't. The painted blocks are a favorite snack of Abram's, but definitely not of mine.
Then he played with Obie for a little while.
And this brings us to nap #1 (which he just woke up from after only 45 minutes!!) Yesterday I left him in his crib during his afternoon nap when he woke up and he went back to sleep for a total crib time of over 3 hours. Now that's the kind of nap I'm talking about. We'll see if he can put himself back to sleep for this one. He's singing and talking - which is not a good sign (but pretty cute, I guess).
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