Hopefully not. Hopefully we are, instead, on the verge of a very smart baby who realizes that when Mommy takes pictures of him and then can immediately show them to him, that is a technology we should all get excited about!
Abram and I spend one good playtime each day in his room. It's small and childproofed with lots of entertaining things and it keeps the Bubba content for good, long periods of time. He usually does lots of cute new things in there and so I always have the camera close by so I can try and capture the moment (mainly for Daddy, but you all reap the benefits as well). Yesterday I got these shots as he explored the room and I laid on his floor with him:
Next time, I need to open the blinds so I can get better lighting and not have to use the flash. Noted.
So Abram's most recent enjoyment is looking at himself on the camera. He likes looking at any thing on any screen, really. But just yesterday, he started actually laughing while he was looking at pictures of himself. I know this because there were other pictures in between those pictures and this picture I got of him the other day:
Namely these pictures I took of some stuff I made during his naps the last few days:
(Personalized pillow blocks for our friends' new baby).
(Like my new labels? They are little and simple and I love them! Thanks to InkedPapers on etsy and a very quick photoshop logo design (without my artist husbands help or anything!). But I digress)...
Anyway, he only laughed and smiled when the pictures of him appeared. So I took this video on the other camera of him looking at himself.
(Wish I could have edited out the end of that...)
And then took this picture of him while he was watching said video.
So I'm hoping that he is just a really smart kid and not a narcissist. I feel more assured of that because he has a book of first words (along with pictures of the words, obviously) and the first two are "girl" and "boy" with smiling faces and he loves these much more than "shoe" or "sock" or "truck", etc. with "cat" coming in a close second (it's an orange cat that looks kind of like Obie).
But this is the kid who smiles at every person who smiles at him as long as we are holding him. He does it much more with females, though... what a flirt. Hopefully we are not on the verge of a ladies man. I think Quinn may pray against that daily.
And I just had to share this cute little angelic, double cowlick head with you.
Abram and I spend one good playtime each day in his room. It's small and childproofed with lots of entertaining things and it keeps the Bubba content for good, long periods of time. He usually does lots of cute new things in there and so I always have the camera close by so I can try and capture the moment (mainly for Daddy, but you all reap the benefits as well). Yesterday I got these shots as he explored the room and I laid on his floor with him:
Next time, I need to open the blinds so I can get better lighting and not have to use the flash. Noted.
So Abram's most recent enjoyment is looking at himself on the camera. He likes looking at any thing on any screen, really. But just yesterday, he started actually laughing while he was looking at pictures of himself. I know this because there were other pictures in between those pictures and this picture I got of him the other day:
Namely these pictures I took of some stuff I made during his naps the last few days:
(Personalized pillow blocks for our friends' new baby).
(Like my new labels? They are little and simple and I love them! Thanks to InkedPapers on etsy and a very quick photoshop logo design (without my artist husbands help or anything!). But I digress)...
Anyway, he only laughed and smiled when the pictures of him appeared. So I took this video on the other camera of him looking at himself.
(Wish I could have edited out the end of that...)
And then took this picture of him while he was watching said video.
So I'm hoping that he is just a really smart kid and not a narcissist. I feel more assured of that because he has a book of first words (along with pictures of the words, obviously) and the first two are "girl" and "boy" with smiling faces and he loves these much more than "shoe" or "sock" or "truck", etc. with "cat" coming in a close second (it's an orange cat that looks kind of like Obie).
But this is the kid who smiles at every person who smiles at him as long as we are holding him. He does it much more with females, though... what a flirt. Hopefully we are not on the verge of a ladies man. I think Quinn may pray against that daily.
And I just had to share this cute little angelic, double cowlick head with you.
I love his tunnel, I've been meaning to get something like that for my kiddo, he totally reminds me of The Bubb. It is so nice to know he is not the only one with dual cowlicks :) By the way your blocks and catch alls are adorable!