We had our 36 week appointment this morning. Here are the stats:
-She is definitely head down and will almost definitely stay that way!
-She is measuring in at around 5 1/2 lbs. 20% for 36 weeks. They kept calling her "petite". Even if she goes all the way to 40 weeks, she'd probably be around 7 1/2 lbs. I can deal with that.
-I am not dilated at really at all yet and she's at -2 station. So she hasn't dropped and all those Braxton Hicks don't seem to have furthered anything along as of yet.
-Apparently having your water break before labor is pretty rare and random (only about 10% of women have this happen). Because of this, it's not an indication for future labor and delivery. Since that's what happened with Abram, it doesn't mean that it will happen with Selah and no indication of when she might come. The nurse and the doctor both thought that we were looking at something closer to my due date than I had been hoping...
-My doctor did say that labor and pushing with the second baby tends to be about 1/2 the amount of time as with the first. So that would mean 6 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing. Yeah. Praying for that.
-If she makes it to her due date (May 1st), we are going to schedule an induction for May 3rd. It's Quinn's mom's birthday and I don't think I'd be able to take over four more weeks of this.
Here's a picture of her. I like profiles better at this point. Straight on makes them look pretty strange. All you can really make out is her nose. Her hand is in front of her eyes and I don't know what is going on with her mouth.

But it's the only picture we got, so I thought I'd share.
-She is definitely head down and will almost definitely stay that way!
-She is measuring in at around 5 1/2 lbs. 20% for 36 weeks. They kept calling her "petite". Even if she goes all the way to 40 weeks, she'd probably be around 7 1/2 lbs. I can deal with that.
-I am not dilated at really at all yet and she's at -2 station. So she hasn't dropped and all those Braxton Hicks don't seem to have furthered anything along as of yet.
-Apparently having your water break before labor is pretty rare and random (only about 10% of women have this happen). Because of this, it's not an indication for future labor and delivery. Since that's what happened with Abram, it doesn't mean that it will happen with Selah and no indication of when she might come. The nurse and the doctor both thought that we were looking at something closer to my due date than I had been hoping...
-My doctor did say that labor and pushing with the second baby tends to be about 1/2 the amount of time as with the first. So that would mean 6 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing. Yeah. Praying for that.
-If she makes it to her due date (May 1st), we are going to schedule an induction for May 3rd. It's Quinn's mom's birthday and I don't think I'd be able to take over four more weeks of this.
Here's a picture of her. I like profiles better at this point. Straight on makes them look pretty strange. All you can really make out is her nose. Her hand is in front of her eyes and I don't know what is going on with her mouth.
But it's the only picture we got, so I thought I'd share.
Oh! AND the doctor told me that I shouldn't worry about following the gestational diabetes diet anymore. They are sure I don't have it and she's small enough that they aren't worried about a big baby (a side effect of gestational diabetes). I also lost a pound (supposedly) from two weeks ago. My appointment last time was in the afternoon and this time it was in the early morning, so I'm sure that's part of it. But the doctor just doesn't want me "watching what I eat" - within reason. Which means...
And just to include a little of Abram in here: This is a video from yesterday. I look horrible and we were taking it with the front camera on my phone so that he wouldn't be trying to constantly look at the screen while I was filming.
And just to include a little of Abram in here: This is a video from yesterday. I look horrible and we were taking it with the front camera on my phone so that he wouldn't be trying to constantly look at the screen while I was filming.
I did that while he was in the bathtub a whole bunch right before that and he thought it was hysterical. So much so, in fact, that he completely lost it and in his hysteria he started chucking all of his toys out of the tub and got in trouble. It's so hard to discipline when they are doing something bad because they are having so much fun.
And then we are going to add a newborn into the mix. Lord, give us wisdom. And sanity.
And then we are going to add a newborn into the mix. Lord, give us wisdom. And sanity.
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