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... of doable!

Quinn's work technically gave him three weeks of paternity leave.  I know that that's a lot, by most people standards.  For me, all I have to compare it to are the almost six weeks that he was able to be home when Abram was born.  That was largely because it happened right before Thanksgiving and Christmas and so he got some extra time.  But this time, I wanted to be able to ease into being alone with these two kiddos.  So he started going in for half days this week.  I did the afternoon alone yesterday and the morning alone today. Abram has been taking a nap from about 1-3/3:30, so the afternoons tend to be a little easier.  So I was a bit worried about what this morning would hold.  But it turned out to be pretty doable!  It probably won't be this way every day, but it made me feel less afraid about whether I could do it or not.

Quinn was up and going at 6.  I woke Selah up at 7:30 to eat and Abram woke up at 8.  Quinn fixed us breakfast while I was feeding the baby and by the time he left around 9, Abram was pretty much done with breakfast and Selah was falling back to sleep.  I wanted to take a shower, so I put Selah in her bassinet in the bathroom with the fan on while I showered and I gave Abram some toys in his play pen and put Thomas the Train on the lap top out of his reach.

He did so good playing quietly by himself for the 30 minutes or so it took me to shower and get ready. 

When I was done, Selah was still sleeping, so we put the play pen away and just played in our room with his toys.  We counted his magnet letters (there were 60 of them) about 10 times, putting them from one container into another.

Then he spent some time crawling all over me.

He's been a lot more affectionate since Selah came home.  It stems from jealousy, I'm sure, but it's not coming out as anything other than being sweet and wanting to climb in my lap if I'm on the ground with him, or wanting to be picked up and held more than he used to.  So it's cute... for now.

Overall, Selah is still a pretty easy going kid.  I may need to watch my diet a little more than I have been, because she's been having a few more tummy issues recently.  But pumping her legs and giving her a pacie seems to solve those issues for now. 
These cutie clothes were given to us by a friend of ours.  I am getting less and less opinionated about the pink, as you can see...

She likes to sleep with her hands above her head like Quinn and I.

And, finally, a few pictures from Nana's visit:
 Both her grandmas have a good amount of photos of this little girl on their phones now :)

Well, we aren't set to have any more visitors until Quinn's dad comes out for a visit at the beginning of June.  We still have wonderful friends bringing us food every once in awhile, but I'm trying to get better about finding ways and time to fix meals.  Today, I made chicken strips (like, from scratch!) and have a chicken taco bowl slow cooker thing going right now.  So I got more done today than I did in at least the last few months of my pregnancy.  Pretty crazy and I can only attribute it to God's grace and my amazing family who has been such a help (the greatest of these being my husband).

Speaking of my husband... he was making me guess now many all time views his blog has gotten (I told him the other day that I'm going to hit 20,000 soon - woah).  Apparently he's at 7.  But he's never posted anywhere or tried to get readers.  He doesn't really care, but I thought that his writing and spirit-led thoughts shouldn't be wasted.  He mused a bit on a verse in 2 Timothy today and posted it here. It was really convicting for me and you might like it, too.  If you have minute, give it a read!  You'll be blessed, I know.

PS - I'm still figuring out the new blogger formatting.  So, sorry about the huge blank spaces...


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