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... of no time

But here I am and I wanted to share these photos and also document Selah's new schedule we have inadvertently fallen into. Until now, I have almost avoided a schedule because I wanted her to be flexible, since we were trying to do so many things and see so many people. But she is proof that babies want/need some kind of schedule, because she came up with it all on her own. For posterity, here it is:

6am: Wake up/eat/go back to sleep
10am: Wake up/eat/play
11:30am: Nap
1:30pm: Wake up/eat/play
2:30pm: Nap
4:30pm: Wake up/eat/play
5:00pm: Maybe quick nap
7:00pm: Bottle/bath
7:30pm: Bed

With all the family visiting we've been doing, she hasn't gone to bed until 8:30 a few nights and she's definitely tired. But we've gotten to where it doesn't seem to change the next day too much. So I like to have her in bed by 7:30, because when she looses that sleep, she doesn't really make up for it the next day. Silly girl.

Anyway. There's that. I've been working on this post since Monday or something. There's so much going on that I don't even have time to log on, load photos, post a few captions, and hit publish. So now I am doing it while watching Project Runway at almost midnight, even though I am incredibly tired. So it may be awhile again, but here's some pictures from the last week or so in Boise.

Bopa and the kids in McCall.

GranDan and Sell Bell.

Grandma Smith holding Sell for the first time!

Abram now says "Selah tummy" and wants to lay across her.  When we stop him, he snuggles in next to her:
And apparently she's not sure what to think.
Cousin play time.  We are all learning how to share much better these last few weeks.

Silly Silas face.

Sweet Quinn Face on our date night in downtown.
Quinn and his cousin, Jared, and their boys: Abram and Landon.

Landon and Abram "smiling".

Quinn and Jared's newest additions: Blake and Selah.

All the kids.

Smith party for Grandma's 88th birthday!

Cousin Carey made mustache cookies and Abram had to try one.

Cousins Andrea and Larissa with Selah.
Mommy and Abey.
Abram getting tired after lots of running and playing (that's the thumb sucking posture).

Smith great grandkids.

Smith grandkids, spouses, and great grandkids (minus a few).

Jared, Quinn, and Tayler grew up together.  We have a series of photos of them as boys, teenagers, then with their wives, then with their first children, and now this one with their second children (Katie kept saying she felt empty handed - no hurry though, Tayler and Katie!)
There ya go.  I'm sure I'll be back in a few days with a random assortment of family pictures. 
Oh!  I almost forgot: A video of Selah, who gets a sad amount of videos taken of her compared to the amount I took of Abram at her age.  But I specifically recorded her playing in the exersaucer today because she's really getting good at playing with toys recently, which is a pretty big developement!

Aaaaand another cute laughing video, just for fun:

What a doll baby.


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