I had every intention of posting this last night, since today is technically her 9 month birthday. But things got away from me (like the computer) and I had to postpone until this morning. But I thought you would probably forgive me. Selah's sleeping in this morning (went to bed before 8 last night and she's still sleeping at 9:30am!) so I'm going to finally get to finish and post it! Maybe I'll even have time to do the dishes this morning before Quinn walks around the house to his office goes to work.
Date: Jan 21st, 2013
Weight: Absolutely no clue. She doesn't feel very heavy to me and she doesn't seem to have grown much. So if I had to take a guess, I would say she might be around 16.5 lbs? I've got to start thinking in kilos, but it's too late right now and I can't even try.
Clothing size: Snuggly in 6 months still . She swims in 9 month stuff, but is just a little too long for some of her 6 mo sleepers. The best is that I still put her in a few 0-3 month cardigan sweaters and they still fit. I just went shopping here for the first time since arriving (for clothes) and I got her some adorable stuff. Shorts and pants are usually 9 mo or 6-9 because I don't like to put too much pressure on her tummy when she is sitting up, but when she lays down they look like they are going to fall off her. So she's basically staying pretty little.
Feedings per day: 4-5 nursing, 3 solid food meals. Half the time she sleeps for 12 hours without eating and then it's only 4. The other half she has a 2:30/3:30/4:30 feeding between her 8 am-8 pm night sleep.
She's still on a limited variety of baby food because of what we can get over here. But she's been eating Gerber Puffs like a champ (they were sent from the States by a through some wonderful friends) and she had bits of banana the other day. So we are working our way into table food, slowly but surely.
Naps: 2 per day. Usually about 10:30-12 and 2:30-4:30 (ish)
New skills: Officially on the move! She started scooting on Christmas day and has been getting more adept at it every day . She has just started getting her knees up under her and rocking, like she's thinking about real crawling. She is also able to go from sitting to crawling and vice versa, although she's not very good at it yet. I find her sitting up in her crib most of the time when I come to get her now.
And at small group tonight, she tried to go from sitting to crawling and got stuck a little and fell on her face on the hard floor. It was maybe the loudest I've ever heard her cry . Poor thing.
Teeth: She officially has 5 and is working on the 6th one coming in right where she is chewing on that finger:
Favorite thing: Still Abram. Trying to eat shoes. Being tickled.
Least favorite thing: Anyone other than us attempting hold her . It's pretty epic. For being our sweet little rarely cries baby for so long, she sure has done her fair share these past few weeks as we've tried to let friends hold her.
Potential Personality traits: Yeah, I'm thinking she may be a little more dramatic than I had anticipated. Although sometimes it takes a lot, and I mean a lot to get her to smile if she's in a funk. This progression of pictures was from about 5 minutes of me being completely idiotic to try and get her to even crack a grin. Some tickling finally worked.
Abram also still works. We tell him to make her laugh and he has this awesome fake laugh that he does and she thinks it's the most hysterical thing in the world. I love it.
Brother/Sisterness: They sure do like each other! I'm so glad. Abram does have this thing where he gives her toys that he knows she isn't supposed to have and then when she starts chewing on them he starts yelling, "Sey-yah!! Sey-yah!!!" Like he's so worried about her. We are working on that .
Quinn and I feel so blessed by this little girl. She has been the best traveler in her short life and is the sweetest lady we could have ever hoped for. Abram is growing to love her more and more every day. I am so excited to begin to see her personality emerge and develop as she gets closer to one whole year! I can't believe that it's been almost a year. Crazy!
I love you so, so very much Sell Bell. You are my favorite lady baby ever.
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