Pretend this was posted four days ago. It was ready then, but I was waiting to take her 10 month picture, which I finally did this morning. So here. You can all stop bothering me now! Just kidding. I don't think anyone but me even noticed that it was late :)
The 22nd was Selah's 10 month birthday!
I say this every time, but I cannot believe she is that old. I know a lot has happened since she was born, but it still feels like she should be a tiny baby. However, this is not the case, as she is getting bigger and more interactive and doing more and more new things every day. She is such a little cutie pie face and still has her adorable big cheeks.
Quinn has suggested "cheeks" as a nickname for her, but it just hasn't stuck. She still gets called Sell Bell more than anything. Even Abram is catching on and often asks, "Where's Seya Beya?" if we ever go anywhere without her. I love her huge, beautiful, inquisitive eyes and her scrunchy nose and eyes when she smiles. She still has only five teeth. Strange that three have been in on the bottom for quite awhile now with no sign of that matching fourth one. Hmmm...
Well, enough random facts about my sweet, sweet girl. Let's move on to the big stuff...
The 22nd was Selah's 10 month birthday!
I say this every time, but I cannot believe she is that old. I know a lot has happened since she was born, but it still feels like she should be a tiny baby. However, this is not the case, as she is getting bigger and more interactive and doing more and more new things every day. She is such a little cutie pie face and still has her adorable big cheeks.
Quinn has suggested "cheeks" as a nickname for her, but it just hasn't stuck. She still gets called Sell Bell more than anything. Even Abram is catching on and often asks, "Where's Seya Beya?" if we ever go anywhere without her. I love her huge, beautiful, inquisitive eyes and her scrunchy nose and eyes when she smiles. She still has only five teeth. Strange that three have been in on the bottom for quite awhile now with no sign of that matching fourth one. Hmmm...
Well, enough random facts about my sweet, sweet girl. Let's move on to the big stuff...
Date: Feb 21st, 2013
Weight: Still no clue. Some day soon we will go to the doctor for a well visit and the mystery of her weight will be put to rest. Until then, I'll say what I've said before: she doesn't feel like she's growing exponentially or anything. She's still pretty small and even seems to be thinning out in the thigh area a bit.
Clothing size: Pretty much the same. I put her in 6 month onesies still, but she can wear 9 month ones now. I've pretty much retired most of the 6 month sleepers, although the 9 months ones are still a little big.
Feedings per day: 4 or 5 nursing, 3 solid food meals.
Naps: Erratic. On a good day, two one and a half hours ones. Or an over two hour one and a 45 minute one in the afternoon. On a bad day, two or three 45 minuters. Still no real schedule to speak of, but we make each day work as best as we can.
New skills: Pushing up on her legs and holding her bum in the air. Beginning to pull up on things if she can get an adequate grab. Signing "more". Eating table foods. High fives.
Teeth: Stuck at five for over a month now... weird.
Favorite thing: Yucking it up with Abram at the dinner table. Brother's cars. Exploring.
Least favorite thing: Her afternoon nap. It's never the easy one. Being laid on her back for a diaper change. But once she gets there, she usually just hangs out until we flip her over.
She totally knows how to roll over. She just likes to pause and reflect on stuff for a bit.
Potential Personality traits: She's still a stone face sometimes.
Did you ever play that game "Honey, I love you, will you please, please smile?" where you did wacky things to try and get the other person to laugh? You win if you can do it, they win if you can't. Selah would be a master. There are times we try absolutely everything and she will not crack a grin. Other times she's a giggle monster.
Brother/Sisterness: He is getting really good at sharing with her. She is not. Now she has the ability to just motor up to Abram and grab at whatever he happens to be playing with (almost always a car or truck). He gets a little upset, because he's been told that you never take anything out of someone's hand and, here she is, doing just that. So I try to explain that she's a baby and she doesn't know better and try to tell her not to do it. Just today, I was trying to distract her from his toys with something else and he said, "Selah have a turn" and passed his truck over to her. So good! Then we gave it back to him about a minute later, he played with it, and a few minutes later he offered her another turn. He repeated it about three or four times! I was so proud of him.
So happy ten months to our amazing blessing of a baby girl! Very soon she will be a whole year old. Can't believe it Sel. Before I know it you're going to be wanting to go on dates and getting married and stuff. Noooooo!
The End.
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