I should do a caveat here, explaining that our friends/housemates had just all gotten over a night and day of what was determined to be food poisoning, since four of them who had gone to a world market type thing and ate food and got sick that night and Steve (who had not gone) did not get sick. But they were doing better that day and Abram and I ate lunch with them-celebrating their recovery. Not sure if our sickness was related somehow or not. I guess it doesn't matter...
You can probably guess why I'm telling you all of that. Because I started thinking about all the things that we might have eaten or done that would have made Abram wake up again at 3:15, with more gagging and, this time, more throwing up. I pulled him out of his bed and was holding him while waiting for Quinn to go get a bowl from the kitchen, when he threw up down my shirt (so lovely, right?) His hair and hands and clothes and sheets were all casualties, so he was taken to the bathroom and cleaned up while I changed his sheets and threw some stuff in the washer to be washed first thing in the morning.
He seemed to feel ok then, telling me his tummy was feeling better. So we put him back to bed in fresh everything. And we laid down. I did not have time to fall asleep - but of course Quinn did - before more gagging rushed me to his bed. This time, I held up the bowl to his mouth, in hopes of saving the minutes old sheets (not realizing in the dark that they had already been compromised). This was a grave error that I could not have foreseen, as the bowl amplified his coughing a gagging like a microphone. We lost the battle of trying to not wake Selah up with all of this at that moment.
Abram's clothes were changed again and his bed stripped and Quinn and I decided he would take him to the living room and he would sleep in the Peapod, which has a wipeable mattress. That was the last I heard of them and he didn't have any problems or nausea after that.
I realized that I was feeling nauseous the second I jumped out of bed to check on him the first time. The down the shirt incident did not help that feeling. Then, I had to feed Selah. She woke up around 3:30. She seemed like she was going to go back to sleep while I was holding her, but the second I laid her down it was apparent that was not going to be the case. She finally fell asleep at 4:30 and thankfully she and Quinn have apparently been spared this illness.
So, yesterday, I was pretty much out of commission and Abram seemed fine all day. I will sum up my day with a direct quote from Abram while we were grocery shopping this morning:
"Mommy feewing better aday. Mommy coughing a bunch... coughing a bunch in a garbage can and wying down a wot wesday." Yep, Abram. Yep.
Praise God it was only a 12 hourish thing. I hate coughing in a garbage can.
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