"Who cares about Selah! I'm here and I'm cute!"
This poor girl. She is going to have little to nothing of anything that I hand made for her. I just don't have the time (or the energy) that I had when we were waiting for Abram to arrive. Abram got all of these things like blankets (which he doesn't have any interest in now), and name pillows and toys that I made for him. And of course all of the things we got for him were very boyish. There is a bit of a double standard when it comes to baby boy and baby girl things, you may have noticed. Like, it's totally acceptable to put a girl in blue, but you would never put a baby boy in pink... right? Sisters can wear brother hand me downs, but I know my husband would not allow out son to wear "girls clothes". What's that all about, huh? Not that I think that girls need to be girly and pink, but why isn't it socially acceptable for both genders to be put in anything, not just girls?
I don't really know where or why I am going on about this, except that that's what got me thinking about the first project I completed for Miss Selah. I've already sorted through all of Abram's clothes and found everything that she could wear and we are obviously just using all of Abram's old gear as well. His car seat and pack n' play are the Graco brand both have this blue and brown design on them. I don't really care about the pack n' play. She's just going to be in our room in it. But I started thinking that if she's wearing boy clothes and she's in a blue car seat of course people are going to mistake her for a boy!
Side note: Humongous flower headbands are not the solution to that for this mom. I'm all for the occasional headband maybe with a small bow, but I'm just not a fan of the big flower kind. No offense to anyone who is, I'm just not inclined to want to put them on my own little girl.
I didn't want to get her a whole new car seat... so I started looking for car seat covers on etsy. There were a lot of cute ones, some for as low as about $40 (not bad). The people who made them looked like they made a lot of them, so I started thinking, "How hard could it be just to make my own?" Famous last words. I found someone on etsy selling a car seat pattern for $4. That was much more reasonable and I like buying patterns from people who have already figured out the ins and outs of everything instead of trying to do that myself as I go along. I wish I had read the description of the pattern a little more carefully, only because I essentially paid $4 for someone to tell me, "Just pick apart your old car seat cover, cut out the new fabric, and resew it all up!" Needless to say, I skimmed through the pattern once, before I just went for it and that's the only time I looked at it. I wish I'd taken more pictures along the way, but they may have just ended up being boring.
I did remember to get a quick picture of Abram's original cover before demolishing it.

Here is the new basic cover:
That took me about 5 hours yesterday.
Here is the whole thing (seat cover, canopy, and infant insert)
It all took me a total of about 10 hours. I got it all done this weekend and now I have successfully made something for the baby girl! I guess I didn't technically make it, I remade it. Quinn approved of the fabric choices and helped by spending a lot of boy time with Abram this weekend.
So there you go! Abram is very interested in the car seat and he really wants to sit in it and play in it. Seeing as he is sick and very snotty right now, I'm trying to minimize that happening just in case. I will probably wash it before she's born again anyway, but just to be safe.
Next on the list: A car seat blanket - I'm debating between knitted/crocheted or sewn with minky and satin. Of course Abram had at least one of each, but I just don't have time for that with this one, so decisions have to be made. I'm also thinking about making one of those car seat hanging covers, you know, for when they are sleeping in there and you want to completely enclose them? I bought a pattern for one from someone on etsy (who ended up being a friend of mine from high school who lives in... Ohio... now, I think - crazy). So we'll see if that gets done.
For now, I am just going to admire my one weekend of hard work and hope it holds me over until I have enough time to tackle something else :)
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