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... of weddings, weddings, and more weddings!

"Bring 'em on."

Many of you are probably in the same boat. June seems to be wedding month, doesn't it? Quinn and I were married on June 15th (almost exactly three years ago)! And this past weekend we attended two weddings in two different Texas cities.

The first was my Grandpa Roy's wedding to Miss Betty. My Grandma Ardelle passed away about two years ago and we all miss her dearly, but I am so glad that my grandpa has found someone that he is excited to spend the rest of his life with.

Grandpa and Betty

The wedding was just outside of Ben Wheeler, Texas (in between Tyler and Canton - for those of you who are up on your Texas geography). The first night my parents and other grandparents (my two sets of grandparents have been friends since before they were all married to each other) stayed in a hotel in Canton. So we got to hang out with them. I always feel a little bad seeing family with Abram, because he is still at the age where he doesn't remember anybody and he freaks out when he is around a lot of "new" people. So my mom (and Quinn's mom has had the same reaction) gets a little sad when he starts crying when she holds him. So Quinn and I ended up holding him while he played with people most of the time. We got some good smiling pictures, because all we have to do to get Abram to smile is clap. That's it. And if Abram doesn't know you and you want him to smile at you, just clap. So there. Now you know the Smith family secret. So here are some family photos of Abram and guaranteed, if he is smiling, someone is clapping on the other side of the camera.

Abram in his formal wedding attire

Checking his pretty Nana out at the wedding.

New favorite game: "Are you upside down?!"

Hanging with Papa at the hotel.

Playing with Great Grandpa Louis by the hotel pool.

With Papa at the wedding.

So, Quinn was asked to be the "wedding photographer" at this wedding. He was a bit worried about this, seeing as he has not really picked up his camera in quite some time. But he was happy to do it. There wasn't quite the same pressure as there would be with a young couple who has the standards of super original, highly edited, millions-o-digital photos that all of their friends have had. Grandpa and Betty just wanted some pictures to remember the day. It was actually really neat to see their ideas of traditional wedding photos. I don't think many young couples get this shot:

But it's pretty cute.

Here are a few more unedited ones that I thought were good.

Then we stayed the night Saturday night in Canton, just the three of us. We had good burgers at a restaurant converted from a gas station and started our 5 hour drive home at around 9 am. The trick to keeping Abram happy for a few hours in the car: switch up the toys.

Also, show him any kind of electronic device.

After we were home for about 2 hours - long enough for a Bubba nap and some Mommy and Daddy showers - we were off to wedding #2. Quinn's friend from college and work, Ilya, got married to Jessica on their six year dating anniversary.

They got married at the One World Theatre in Austin, which was so pretty!

A few of Quinn's friends from college and work were there, including one of his groomsmen from our wedding: Mr. Matt Manchester.

Both looking a little less hairy than they did three years ago.

Abram did pretty good at this wedding, considering his very long weekend/day. He was smiling at everyone... until he got tired... and hungry... at the same time. Bad combo. We tried the car seat, which usually works:

(Even the buckle is fascinating).

But he wouldn't calm down until we fed him. So we gave him carrots, peas, green beans, and pears, which all kinda mixed together. But he didn't seem to mind. Then he got his bottle and he started to fall asleep while eating. So we knew it was time to call it a night and we headed home.

And that was our busy wedding weekend! Next weekend is wedding-free, but we are going to the Hillsong United concert on Saturday with our community group! Nana will be here and will babysit Abram. We are hoping it will be a good introduction for both of them to leave him with her when we go to our next wedding the next weekend in Guatemala! One of Quinn's best friends is a native Guatemalan and has moved back to marry his fiance, Sara. We are very excited to see them finally get to be together forever, but a little apprehensive about leaving Abram behind for 5 days. So we are still deciding if we should leave him or take him (ah, the blessings of having an under 2 year old). We would be sad to leave, but glad to have a little three year anniversary trip. So we shall see!

And, with that, a tired Abram and Anaka say:

"Until next time!"


  1. Dang 2 weddings in one weekend, that sounds like fun.


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