"Well, hello there!"
It's so crazy that Abram is starting to become a real little boy. He is doing more and more things on his own, like sitting up, grabbing at everything, rolling over both ways, and taking better naps (although right now we are having a battle of the wills nap time). And as he gets older, he is looking more and more like what he will look like for good. Quinn and I have a hard time identifying who he looks more like. We can see that he looks like me when I was a baby:
but aren't sure how much he looks like either one of us now.
He has been sleeping better at night, but we've had a few issues. We think it's growth spurt related and are expecting him to grow out of all his clothes any day now! We have just had to concede to his desire to sleep on his tummy and we pray every night for his protection. He likes to sleep with his little butt up in the air. It doesn't really look comfortable, but it's pretty darn cute.
Eating is getting more productive and more fun. He is pretty consistently eating one stage one jar at lunch and dinner, which is a lot for him! And less and less is ending up on his face, hands, and clothes.

But we aren't pros yet.
But we aren't pros yet.
So we had the party on Tuesday with community group, co-workers, neighbors, and former students. It was an awesome mishmash of people and we had a great time! I made the watermelon cookies, which turned out ok, but very small. And me and my justification-self called them "little half cookies" for his "little half birthday".
Awww cute baby butt picture.