If you've been following us for the past few months, you may remember this blog I posted about the baby products I had found the most essential for our newborn. Well, obviously he has grown and things have changed. Not that those things weren't the essentials for that time. They were. And I would still endorse them. But we are in a whole new realm of infancy now, and have a whole new list of essentials.
Part 1: Feeding
Medela Slow Flow Bottles:

I previously endorsed the Playtex Drop ins Nurser bottles. And they were the best for Abram up until about 6 months. Then, all of a sudden, after making it all the way up to the fast flow nipples, he started freaking out while he was taking his bottle. We actually had friends babysit him and they said that it seemed like it was torturing him. I'm not sure what happened. We think that the flow was just too slow for him. He has gotten extremely efficient at nursing and only takes about 15 minutes total. So the next night, I tried just putting the Medela nipple right on the storage bottles that I was using to pump. And, suddenly, he was fine! Apparently the slow flow Medelas are faster than the fastest Playtex nurser and would definitely not have worked for him before this point. But now, they are great! And the best part is that we already had a bunch because of the pump.
Ikea Antilop High Chair: High chairs are expensive! Even when looking for them at second hand stores, you are looking at upwards of $50. Most of them are all kooshy and big and I wasn't sure it would fit in our already overcrowded kitchen. And then I remembered a friend of mine talking about the Ikea high chair. Over half of our house is already full of Ikea things, so I was more than ok with adding one more.
Ikea Smaska Spoons:

In keeping with the Ikea trend, I have to say that the best baby spoons that I've found are the 6 for $1.99 at Ikea. There are actually only 3 of the ones in the pack that I really like, but still a good price. I have bought three other kinds of spoons and, therefore have a tub of about 20 spoons that we are not using. I got a few Munchkin kinds and a Nuby kind, but they are all fairly deep. Like, the spoon is very... spooned. The Ikea spoons are almost flat and he can get his little lips around them much easier. Three of the spoons are a little smaller, which is better for him right now. But the larger ones may come in handy later. The day we started using those spoons was a lot cleaner day in the Smith house.
Beech Nut Baby Food: I've tried the Gerber and Good Earth (?), but the best baby food I've found is Beech Nut.
It tends to be less watery, which is better for cleanliness. They also have the basics like peas and carrots and sweet potatoes and beans and pears and squash. Good Earth has interesting combos and Gerber is watery. My only complaint right now is that I do most of my shopping at Target and Target doesn't carry them. So I have to make a special trip to Wal-Mart to stock up. My hope is to start making our own baby food soon, so I'm hoping to have a report on that in the coming weeks!
Part 2: Play
Ikea Wipeable Laminate Fabric: I completely stole this idea from a fellow mom blogger and went to Ikea and got my own fabric to copy her idea.
Mine turned out smaller, but I really like it. You can't see in the picture, but it has red stitching, which makes it a little more fun looking.
It has a layer of fleece inside to make it just a bit more padded. I use it inside in the middle of the living room because Obie's hair doesn't stick to it like the blanket I was using. Also, he can drool all he wants and I just have to wipe it up! Added bonus: he loves the dots. It's almost as good as the TV for him. He grabs at the dots and plays with his toys on his tummy for quite a while and I can get stuff done! I still have a yard of the fabric and I am contemplating what I should make with it!
Just a funny video of Abram working on taking off his diaper:
I love how he looks at me with shifty eyes as he is tugging away at it.
Part 3: Sleep
BreathableBaby Crib Bumper: We have had quite a few issues with Abram and his sleeping. Over the course of a "naptime" he will wiggle his way all around the crib with his bum up in the air and eventually end up with his face and head smashed into the corner. He was also getting his arms and legs stuck in the crib bars and ending up very upset. So we got the BreathableBaby crib bumper. It has definitely solved some problems and gave me a bit more peace of mind. However, he still finds ways to tangle himself up in there.

He is actually asleep in this photo.
Part 1: Feeding
Medela Slow Flow Bottles:
I previously endorsed the Playtex Drop ins Nurser bottles. And they were the best for Abram up until about 6 months. Then, all of a sudden, after making it all the way up to the fast flow nipples, he started freaking out while he was taking his bottle. We actually had friends babysit him and they said that it seemed like it was torturing him. I'm not sure what happened. We think that the flow was just too slow for him. He has gotten extremely efficient at nursing and only takes about 15 minutes total. So the next night, I tried just putting the Medela nipple right on the storage bottles that I was using to pump. And, suddenly, he was fine! Apparently the slow flow Medelas are faster than the fastest Playtex nurser and would definitely not have worked for him before this point. But now, they are great! And the best part is that we already had a bunch because of the pump.
Ikea Antilop High Chair: High chairs are expensive! Even when looking for them at second hand stores, you are looking at upwards of $50. Most of them are all kooshy and big and I wasn't sure it would fit in our already overcrowded kitchen. And then I remembered a friend of mine talking about the Ikea high chair. Over half of our house is already full of Ikea things, so I was more than ok with adding one more.
It is light weight and easy to clean and the price with the tray and bolster cushion is $30. Love it. I don't clean it as often as I should, but it's so easy to wipe down that I can just get it all off at the end of the day.
Ikea Smaska Spoons:
In keeping with the Ikea trend, I have to say that the best baby spoons that I've found are the 6 for $1.99 at Ikea. There are actually only 3 of the ones in the pack that I really like, but still a good price. I have bought three other kinds of spoons and, therefore have a tub of about 20 spoons that we are not using. I got a few Munchkin kinds and a Nuby kind, but they are all fairly deep. Like, the spoon is very... spooned. The Ikea spoons are almost flat and he can get his little lips around them much easier. Three of the spoons are a little smaller, which is better for him right now. But the larger ones may come in handy later. The day we started using those spoons was a lot cleaner day in the Smith house.
Beech Nut Baby Food: I've tried the Gerber and Good Earth (?), but the best baby food I've found is Beech Nut.
It tends to be less watery, which is better for cleanliness. They also have the basics like peas and carrots and sweet potatoes and beans and pears and squash. Good Earth has interesting combos and Gerber is watery. My only complaint right now is that I do most of my shopping at Target and Target doesn't carry them. So I have to make a special trip to Wal-Mart to stock up. My hope is to start making our own baby food soon, so I'm hoping to have a report on that in the coming weeks!
Part 2: Play
Ikea Wipeable Laminate Fabric: I completely stole this idea from a fellow mom blogger and went to Ikea and got my own fabric to copy her idea.
Mine turned out smaller, but I really like it. You can't see in the picture, but it has red stitching, which makes it a little more fun looking.
It has a layer of fleece inside to make it just a bit more padded. I use it inside in the middle of the living room because Obie's hair doesn't stick to it like the blanket I was using. Also, he can drool all he wants and I just have to wipe it up! Added bonus: he loves the dots. It's almost as good as the TV for him. He grabs at the dots and plays with his toys on his tummy for quite a while and I can get stuff done! I still have a yard of the fabric and I am contemplating what I should make with it!
Just a funny video of Abram working on taking off his diaper:
I love how he looks at me with shifty eyes as he is tugging away at it.
Part 3: Sleep
BreathableBaby Crib Bumper: We have had quite a few issues with Abram and his sleeping. Over the course of a "naptime" he will wiggle his way all around the crib with his bum up in the air and eventually end up with his face and head smashed into the corner. He was also getting his arms and legs stuck in the crib bars and ending up very upset. So we got the BreathableBaby crib bumper. It has definitely solved some problems and gave me a bit more peace of mind. However, he still finds ways to tangle himself up in there.

He is actually asleep in this photo.
Part 4: Travel
The Pea Pod Carrier: Baby carriers are one thing that I've gone a little crazy over. I've been set on finding "the one". The one that will end the search for a better one. And what I've learned is that I don't believe there is a perfect carrier for all ages of babies. I do think that the Baby Bjorn was good for when he was little and the Mody Wrap was good for when a was still wanting to sleep while being held. But now that he is bigger and he wants to look around and interact with things, I wanted something that would help me carry him on my hip. I know, I know, the Moby Wrap does that, but those 10 yards of fabric are just a little cumbersome to carry around and the wrapping is a bit too intricate. SOOOO... I made a sling type carrier based on something that I saw. It's reversible and it folds up fairly small, and I will continue to use it. BUT. I saw a free pattern for the Pea Pod Carrier here. So I made one.
And I really like it! It's easy to clip in. He feels really well supported and I can really do things with both of my hands! I wish I'd had my arms down in the picture so you could see it better, but you get the idea. I added a pocket to the back so that I can put things like credit cards and my phone for trips to the store. There is a clip for keys as well! And the best part is that it folds up really small and fits in our diaper bag.
Here it is with a blanket, an extra pair of clothes and shoes in the...
JJ Cole Diaper Bag:
I got this treasure at the MamaCents sale in Austin, so I'm not entirely sure that it's even meant to be a diaper bag, but I love it! Without being too heavy of cumbersome we can fit: The dinosaur pouch with the carrier, blanket, clothes and shoes, the changing pad with diapers and wipes, a toy, a pacie, sunscreen, pacie wipes, gum, a bunch of life savers, my make up, my keys, my wallet, my phone, hands free headphones, children's tylenol, an extra sun hat, and the most current Joann coupons. Ya know, the essentials. I also like it because it is nice and manly for Quinn, so he can carry it with out feeling silly. It also has some clips on the side where I can hook my awesome Contigo water bottle.
The Pea Pod Carrier: Baby carriers are one thing that I've gone a little crazy over. I've been set on finding "the one". The one that will end the search for a better one. And what I've learned is that I don't believe there is a perfect carrier for all ages of babies. I do think that the Baby Bjorn was good for when he was little and the Mody Wrap was good for when a was still wanting to sleep while being held. But now that he is bigger and he wants to look around and interact with things, I wanted something that would help me carry him on my hip. I know, I know, the Moby Wrap does that, but those 10 yards of fabric are just a little cumbersome to carry around and the wrapping is a bit too intricate. SOOOO... I made a sling type carrier based on something that I saw. It's reversible and it folds up fairly small, and I will continue to use it. BUT. I saw a free pattern for the Pea Pod Carrier here. So I made one.
And I really like it! It's easy to clip in. He feels really well supported and I can really do things with both of my hands! I wish I'd had my arms down in the picture so you could see it better, but you get the idea. I added a pocket to the back so that I can put things like credit cards and my phone for trips to the store. There is a clip for keys as well! And the best part is that it folds up really small and fits in our diaper bag.
JJ Cole Diaper Bag:
I got this treasure at the MamaCents sale in Austin, so I'm not entirely sure that it's even meant to be a diaper bag, but I love it! Without being too heavy of cumbersome we can fit: The dinosaur pouch with the carrier, blanket, clothes and shoes, the changing pad with diapers and wipes, a toy, a pacie, sunscreen, pacie wipes, gum, a bunch of life savers, my make up, my keys, my wallet, my phone, hands free headphones, children's tylenol, an extra sun hat, and the most current Joann coupons. Ya know, the essentials. I also like it because it is nice and manly for Quinn, so he can carry it with out feeling silly. It also has some clips on the side where I can hook my awesome Contigo water bottle.
I thought about doing a section on this great find, but I won't bore you with those details. Let's just say it's the best water bottle I've ever owned - so far. I haven't had it for too long, so I don't feel comfortable endorsing it fully just yet.
And that's pretty much it!
I had really hoped to have a stroller section in this blog, but I have yet to find the perfect stroller. And believe me, I've looked. I'm beginning to think that my problem is that I am being too frugal. It might just be something that I need to spend some money on. But here's where you can help, my mama friends: What strollers do you love? Let me tell you the features I'm looking for:
-Reclining seat back
-Lightweight (for airplane travel)
-Durable wheels
-Easy to maneuver
-Able to hang diaper bag on handle
-One hand fold
-Sun shade with "window"
-Ok for neighborhood walks
Desired, but not required:
-Reversible handle
-Parent cup holder
-Folds up relatively small
So far we've tried the Graco Alano, Kolcraft Lightrider, & Peg Perego Pliko. I'm not sold on any of them yet. Let me know if you have any tips or suggestions.
Alright. I think I've bored you enough and I need to head to bed so I can get some decent sleep tonight. Abram has been sleeping from 8:30-5:30 when I wake him up for a feeding that helps us stay on schedule for the rest of the day (otherwise I'd let him sleep)! Praise God for 6 month olds!!
And that's pretty much it!
I had really hoped to have a stroller section in this blog, but I have yet to find the perfect stroller. And believe me, I've looked. I'm beginning to think that my problem is that I am being too frugal. It might just be something that I need to spend some money on. But here's where you can help, my mama friends: What strollers do you love? Let me tell you the features I'm looking for:
-Reclining seat back
-Lightweight (for airplane travel)
-Durable wheels
-Easy to maneuver
-Able to hang diaper bag on handle
-One hand fold
-Sun shade with "window"
-Ok for neighborhood walks
Desired, but not required:
-Reversible handle
-Parent cup holder
-Folds up relatively small
So far we've tried the Graco Alano, Kolcraft Lightrider, & Peg Perego Pliko. I'm not sold on any of them yet. Let me know if you have any tips or suggestions.
Alright. I think I've bored you enough and I need to head to bed so I can get some decent sleep tonight. Abram has been sleeping from 8:30-5:30 when I wake him up for a feeding that helps us stay on schedule for the rest of the day (otherwise I'd let him sleep)! Praise God for 6 month olds!!
this is going to be so helpful to me in 5 years. thank you.