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... of an absurd amount of vacation photos

"Hey man, check out my hawk."

Well, I really really tried to post a blog this past week while I was in Colorado and Idaho, but it just didn't happen. Too much to do and too little familiarity with other people's computers. Next time I think I will just suck it up and bring mine.

So there is really just too much to talk recount from our week with our wonderful families. So I will use the pictures do a breif recap.

No pictures from the 4 plane rides, but traveling alone with Abram was much, much harder than I anticipated. It made me appreciate my wonderful husband even more. Luckily the flight from Austin to Denver was the only one I had to endure in the early morning hours with a sleepy but stubborn baby all alone. We got to Colorado to spend a few days with my mom and dad (Nana and Papa - as Abram knows them).

It was so nice in Colorado! I really didn't want to leave in large part due to the weather. Mid 80's people! So nice. I also love that Colorado and Idaho grass is so much better than Texas grass. In Texas we don't really have grass. We have prickly, bug filled... stuff... that no child can really play in comfortably. So Abram got his first grass time!

So pretty!

Abram got to play his first piano with Papa, too.

He got tickled a lot by Mommy and Nana,

(Some video proof):

wrestled with Papa,

Skyped with Daddy:

Had a messy lunch with some of Nana's friends,

And played with Nana's big abacus.

Look at those teeth!

And wrapped up our time in Colorado with some pictures with Nana and Papa.

But it's hard to get a 9 month old to stay still for too long.

Then we left for the airport and stopped off for a few minutes to say hi to great grandpa Roy. Abram felt a little hot to us and we took his temperature right before we left on Friday afternoon and it was 100.4. That started a wonderful 4 days of checking his temp 5-6 times a day and keeping a 100 degree fever in check with children's tylenol at least twice a day. So Boise was a little more stressful than Colorado.

Quinn met us in the Denver airport and we all flew together (very late at night) into Boise and were greeted by Quinn's dad and step-mom. We were way too tired to take out the camera. Sorry, guys :(

On Saturday, I got a massage and a haircut (which is the only reason my hair was straightened) and then we went to a very beautiful wedding. It was Gae's sister in law's daughter's wedding. So pretty. It was in Quinn's aunt and uncle's back yard which is right on the Boise River and was too amazing. We got some good pictures of family while we were there.

Quinn and I.

Our little fam.

Abram and Aunt Hilary.

Bopa Scott and Grandma Gae.

Uncle Todd and Aunt Hilly.

Cousin Jamie and Aunt Jan.

Abram loving Grandma Gae's necklace.

Uncle Todd, Aunt Hilary, Uncle Pete, Bopa Scott, Grandma Gae, Quinn, Me, and Abram-San.

Sunday was the Smith party and Quinn sadly forgot his camera for this event. (Shame, shame Quinn Smith!) So cousin Larissa was the family photographer for the day and will hopefully send us some of the fun shots from that day sometime soon so I can share them with you (No hurry though, Larissa :)

Abram got to stroll around municipal park with cousin Silas.

The weather in Idaho was so nice, too. It was almost too cold for Quinn and my Texas bodies in the mornings!

And we got to have dinner at Todd and Hilary's house one night. Everyone was there, including Todd's kids Alex and Lizzy (who are 14 and 11 now)!

Abram played with Silas's toys and Silas was very good at sharing.

Even though it looks like he's about to punch Abram in this picture. He wasn't.

Uncle Pete did a great job entertaining a tired Abram:

I think I found Pete's new profile picture! :)

We got to visit for a few minutes with Great Grandma Smith again before we left for the airport.

Love her.

And took off from Boise with a 2.5 hour layover in Denver where Abram honed his people watching skills.

So there it is. A super brief (from my perspective) account of our week in two states with about 50 family members. Abram is such a trooper. He came away from the plane rides with a small cold and an ear infection (according to our doctor's visit today). So when he wakes up from his tossy, turny nap he's been so good to take, we will be going to the store to pick up a prescription for some antibiotics. He hasn't been eating well at all for the last few days and I'm hoping that once we get him feeling better, he'll pick up right where he left off.

"Ok. No more pictures, please!"


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