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... of saying goodbye

Not to you. Don't worry, my friends (or, more accurately, Abram's friends).

I have recently been convicted about my sugar intake. More specifically "sweets". Because I do not have a fruit eating problem, but rather a cookie, cake, fruit roll ups, chocolate, and Popsicle eating problem. My good friend Katie helped me realize how out of control I really was (through her wonderful honesty and openness) and I have decided that it is high time that I stop eating like a nursing mother, since I don't plan on being one for much longer. I am aiming for a year with Abram, but it may end up being more like 11 months and since he is 9 months tomorrow (!), I need to start now.

So yesterday was my first day of trying to avoid "sweets". I did fairly well, I guess. I had a fruit smoothie with unsweetened almond milk (which was sadly bland, but I'll get used to it) and a handful of chocolate flavored rice cake minis. They are probably just as bad, but I reasoned that they were mainly rice, so they couldn't be that bad. Well, there were only a few left in the bag and now they are no longer an option in my cupboard, so I guess that's good.

There are, however, still things in my cupboard and freezer that were calling out to me all day yesterday and I'm sure they will start up again this afternoon. Namely, these guys:

For about the last 3 months, I have been having an unbelievably-wonderful-in-these-over-100 -degree-weather-days Blue Bell fudge bar almost every day. Now there are about 5 or 6 left in this box and I really, really wanted my daily fix yesterday. But through prayer and distraction, I abstained. Katie and I are checking up with each other about how much sugar we are eating each day and it was a big help knowing that she was praying for me and I would have to report a fudgesicle on my list to her if I indulged. It wasn't worth it.

Also, that box next to it is something I picked up in the Ikea food section with my sister the other day. They are called Princess Cakes or "Froedinge" (Which would mean "cold things" in German, so I'm assuming something similar in Swedish). They are a sponge cake with cream and raspberry filling covered in marzipan. I had never had one before, but thought they looked incredible. Quinn and I split one the other day and I would have to rename that thing "sugar bomb". Even with my desensitized taste buds, it was a little much for me. So they might be easier to avoid. They were really good, but now I understand why they are so small.

One of my biggest weaknesses is Lucky Charms in the morning. Usually a large bowl constitutes my "first breakfast" around 6 after Abram's early morning dream feeding. I usually stay up for a little while to feed the cat, read the Word, and eat my Lucky Charms. Well, I ran out of them the other day and I've been going back to bed with Abram and trying to read at another time during the day. So that's worked out well. But I miss them. So today I made myself a turkey, provolone, spinach, tomato, and egg sandwich on a whole wheat english muffin. It was my only breakfast, which was an accomplishment in and of itself.

Abram was jealous.

My final hurdle that I have to overcome in this endeavor is that I really like to snack. I always just grab whatever is the easiest, which is why I have a problem with cookies, candy, and popsicles. I am not going to buy them anymore, so that will help, but I have to figure out a substitute. I want to try pre-cutting and preparing fruits and vegetables that I can just grab when I want something. But I've also found that a handful of these guys really help with my desire to just be putting something in my mouth.

They are the Gerber rice snacks that I give Abram. There are 25 calories in a 1/2 cup. I mean, they are basically air, but if I just want something a little sweet and a little crunchy, they are a better option than a few cookies, right? There are better options of baby cereal out there, actually. Like the Happy Baby brand has organic ones that are only naturally sweetened. They are significantly less sweet, but just as crunchy and airy. I have to admit that when I feed them to Abram for a snack, I have one every time he has one... but he eats better when he sees us eating! I should probably stop that, I know.

There's my confession. And I'm putting it out there so that if I fall off the wagon, I will have to endure a blog shaming. I did this when I gave up TV for a week when I was pregnant and I made it through. Although, I quickly returned to my couch potato self. It wasn't until I had a baby and we canceled cable that I got that in check. Now I just watch a little of the Today show and maybe the two episodes of Jeopardy in the afternoon if Abram is asleep or snacking. I love me some Jeopardy.

So goodbye, Sweets! It was very, very nice to know you. Maybe you can stop by for a visit every once in awhile, but you will not be allowed to stay or I just might keep you.

Oh! I almost forgot! A cute video of what Abram does when he is all done nursing or eating.

This confuses me a little bit because we have been doing the actual all done sign (waving both hands in the air) since he was 5 months old and never taught him how to do... whatever he's doing. But it's pretty cute. And he knows we like it, which is why I'm sure he keeps doing it. It's amazing how smart they actually are, huh?


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