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... of taking after Daddy

While Abram may look more like me and my baby pictures, he definitely has Quinn's build. We went for his well check today and he is 16 lbs 12.8 oz (which is the 5th percentile) and 28 inches long (the 50th percentile). Long and skinny. What else could we expect?

Quinn has also been known to not be able to wear nice things because he often spills food on himself. While I don't think that's actually happened in a little while, it's definitely something that I found kind of endearing when we were dating. I think it may have been his nerves :) Anyway, Abram may have gotten the QRS messy eating gene as well. We started using that solid food net feeder thing and it's been great for teaching him how to chew, but bananas and blueberries aren't the cleanest thing to put in there.

Enjoying lounging and being fed by mom.

Checking it out.

Feeding himself (what a big eyed cutie pants).

Getting the hang of it.

He liked bits of melted cheese on a thin whole wheat bagel for two days, but today he didn't like it as much and he kept taking them from me and turning to the side of his highchair and dropping them where it was hard for me to catch. Punk.

Definitely got my overbite and four consequent chins.


So good.

We also has a climbing-out-of-things/dangerosity day today. He tried to climb out of his highchair twice while I was just grabbing something from the counter. The first time I barely caught him before he was actually on the tray (yes, he was strapped in, in case you were wondering). Our Ikea high chair was unfortunately not built for such hijinks. He got a bottom swat for the first time in his life. I didn't like it probably as much as he didn't like it, but I liked it more than him falling head first from two and a half feet onto our tile floor. A new high chair may be in order. He also tried to climb out of the shopping cart seat today and wouldn't sit back down without crying loudly. I wanted to tell the passersby that he really is only like this 5 percent of the time and that just happened to be one of the 5. But I didn't.

Despite the absurdity of today's feedings, meal times are usually Abram and my happiest and most fun times. I think this video was from yesterday. And, yes, he is wearing the same onesie, thank you very much. I do not even feel the need to justify that. So there.

Well, Quinn and I each had a very long day and he is being a dutiful father and reading the entire 11 page 9 month well check newsletter that we got from our wonderful pediatrician today. We will be heading for bed very shortly, but I just want to share that, despite our 9:00 dinner and very tired selves, this is what we ate:

Pretty tasty (and easy), if I do say so myself.


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