Almost 35 weeks and very ready. I want her to be full-term, so I'll hang on for two more weeks, but after that, the praying starts. I know God will bring her when she's ready, but my small frame can't handle very much more.
I have had a relatively comfortable, uneventful pregnancy thus far, praise the Lord. But this last part feels exponentially more uncomfortable than it did with Abram. Maybe it's because I have Abram and keeping up with him and not being able to just lay around whenever I want to is a lot different than when I was pregnant with him and could lay around as much as I wanted. So my back is killing me, my stomach is stretching to the point of breaking, and I am inexplicably tired even when I get a full night of sleep.
I know the next few weeks (even if a "few" is five) will go quickly, regardless, so I should savor them. This is me... savoring:
...compared to savoring at 35 weeks with Abram:
I have been "belly binding" to help with the back pain. It makes my back feel so much better when I have to walk around or stand up for longish periods of time. My friend who is a midwife posted this link about belly binding on her facebook page awhile back. So made my own makeshift sling out of Lycra/Spandex material and a D-ring and started binding. It's been really helpful.

The down side is that I have a huge lump of fabric in the small of my back when I do it, which is a bit uncomfortable when sitting and pretty noticeable when I wear anything tight (which everything is on me nowadays.) But I just put a cardigan on and it hides the lump pretty well. It pulls in my low and far out 5ish pound baby and makes me feel like I can actually cook dinner and go grocery shopping and all the things I would be whining my way out of otherwise.
"Speaking" of "baby", Abram is now officially saying the word. And not "ba ba", like everything else (or da da, ma ma, pa pa, etc), but bay-bee. Here, watch:
I have had a relatively comfortable, uneventful pregnancy thus far, praise the Lord. But this last part feels exponentially more uncomfortable than it did with Abram. Maybe it's because I have Abram and keeping up with him and not being able to just lay around whenever I want to is a lot different than when I was pregnant with him and could lay around as much as I wanted. So my back is killing me, my stomach is stretching to the point of breaking, and I am inexplicably tired even when I get a full night of sleep.
I know the next few weeks (even if a "few" is five) will go quickly, regardless, so I should savor them. This is me... savoring:
...compared to savoring at 35 weeks with Abram:
I have been "belly binding" to help with the back pain. It makes my back feel so much better when I have to walk around or stand up for longish periods of time. My friend who is a midwife posted this link about belly binding on her facebook page awhile back. So made my own makeshift sling out of Lycra/Spandex material and a D-ring and started binding. It's been really helpful.

The down side is that I have a huge lump of fabric in the small of my back when I do it, which is a bit uncomfortable when sitting and pretty noticeable when I wear anything tight (which everything is on me nowadays.) But I just put a cardigan on and it hides the lump pretty well. It pulls in my low and far out 5ish pound baby and makes me feel like I can actually cook dinner and go grocery shopping and all the things I would be whining my way out of otherwise.
"Speaking" of "baby", Abram is now officially saying the word. And not "ba ba", like everything else (or da da, ma ma, pa pa, etc), but bay-bee. Here, watch:
Then I cut the video off when he crumpled a picture he grabbed. My favorite is the second one. It sounds a little... mean. Now that I think about it, that probably shouldn't be my favorite. It should probably make me worried. But I think that he will like his sister. We shall see soon enough, right!?
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