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... of a shower

Like a baby shower. Not a real shower (like this long ago post). I had one of those that morning in preparation for my baby shower. Which was more like a "sprinkle", as it was small and there wasn't a need for as many big gifts and baby items as there are with the first one.

My first memorable moment of the day was Saturday morning when Quinn was taking care of Abram so I could get ready (I straightened my hair and everything!) I heard a lot of running around and "Abram, come in here please!" and "Abram, where did you go?!" and "Abram, I said no!" And then, suddenly, I heard the sounds of Baby Einstein. My husband, who has previously been fairly adamant about not wanting our children to watch TV, turned on Baby Einstein. I wanted to rush out to the living room and shout, "SEE! NOW you understand why we watch Sesame Street sometimes in the morning!" Instead, I waited a bit and when I came out to pack my stuff up I casually said, "Baby Einstein is kind of tempting when he gets like that, huh?" He agreed and we both dropped it - probably for different reasons.

Anyway... I then headed off to my sprinkle and I had so much fun! My sister made the comment afterward that that was one of the best baby showers she's been to because it was so low key and there were no games. My friend that hosted had asked me if I wanted to play games and I said no. I'm not a big fan of the games. I guess it kind of helps a bunch of people who probably don't all know each other to start talking. But we did some introductions and visiting that helped with that. Overall, it was really relaxed and fun.

So let's just get to the pictures, shall we?

Here are some quintessential shots of cake and presents and stuff:

And some pictures of my wonderful friends watching me open their wonderful presents:

Norma and Melissa (it was St. Patricks day, which is why everyone should be wearing green).

Christine, Abby, and sister Liesl (who are obviously not Irish).

Katie, Lydia, Lacy, Sarah, and Masami

Opening Sarah's adorable handmade headband.

Lots of onesies from Norma (a newborn wardrobe must have!)

Selah's pile of super cute clothes. She's going to be stylin'.

My beautiful host, Lacy, cutting the yummy cake that I did eat (despite the diet).

We set up a picture-taking area with props and stuff so that I could take silly pictures with anyone who wanted. It was kind of strange to be so silly with these very responsible professionals and mothers... but I think we all enjoyed the break from responsibility and our foray into goofiness.

Case in point: Abby and I as... rockstars... or something?

Norma and I - in disguise.

Lacy and I with our picture perfect bellies. Girl baby Selah and boy baby, Connor.

Lydia is due with her baby girl, Violet, about a week before me.

This is my friend, Masami.

She is awesome.

As you can see.

More babies to wait for! Melissa's 70% having a girl, too :)

Katie and I got our picture framed.

Sister Liesl - before we busted out the props.

And that's pretty much it! Thanks to my friend, April, for manning the camera (hence the absence of April photos). My family in far away places (Colorado, Idaho, and Maryland) also sent amazing gifts. I would love to have seen them, but I know we will be seeing many of them very soon! So it was a really fun time and it was super awesome to get to spend the afternoon with Aunt Liesl. Abram was very excited to have her read to him and watch him run all around the house for awhile. It's always good to get to spend time with my little sister.

The day ended with quite a lot of contractions - from about 3pm to 11pm. So Quinn made me lay on the couch the whole time and took care of Abram and refilled my water bottle whenever I needed it. What an amazing husband I have. I got about a 1 hour stint of some really close and patterned, painless contractions this afternoon, but water and lying down seemed to make them stop. I think Quinn and I have both become aware that we really can't count on this girl going all the way to her due date. I don't really want her to (it's getting hot here!), but we do have quite a lot to do in the next few weeks. So we want to be able to get taxes done and other big stuff before she arrives.

So keep cookin' little girl! We'll see you soon enough!


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