So I thought that we had made the switch to one nap a day. We did it successfully for three days (Sat-Mon). Now today, both of us got really tired and bored around 11. New nap time was 12:30. I asked him if he wanted to sleep and he said yes. So I put him down at 11 and he was out by 11:30. So we shall see what today holds.
He has technically only been taking one nap a day for awhile now, but it was a long morning-ish nap and then an early evening "rest". From 5-6 he would roll around in his crib and then Quinn would come home and get him out.
I like to be able to plan my days and know when I might be able to run errands and schedule appointments and get together with friends, so this A/B schedule this is a bit aggravating for me. I think I want a routine more right now, because I know that in a matter of weeks there will be no routine. The nice thing about a really new newborn is that you can take them with you anywhere. They do the same thing out and about that they would be doing at home: crying, eating, or sleeping - and the sleeping can happen anywhere at that point. So, if I'm feeling up to it I hope to not be home bound for two weeks or something like I was with Abram.
It's crazy to think that this girl is going to be totally different from Abram. I am expecting everything to go the same way (or more smoothly), but she'll have her own surprises and quirks and a personality that only God is aware of right now. Babies are a gift from the Lord in so many ways, but I think one of the ways is that He uses them to teach us that we are absolutely not in control. No matter how many books I read or how many kids I have, each one comes in His timing in the way that He designed them to be - not me. We just have to greet them with open arms and accept them the way that they were made by their excellent creator, even if it means trial and suffering sometimes.
Wow, that was a spiel tangent. Sorry.
We went to County Line the other night because Quinn's friend that moved home to Guatemala is in town and wants bar-b-q every night. It was Abram's first time. He looooved the bread. Just like his dad. It's really good bread. This is a blurry Abram face enjoying the night.
Here is me enjoying the largest plate of ribs I've ever seen. All three of us shared. And we took half of it home.
He has technically only been taking one nap a day for awhile now, but it was a long morning-ish nap and then an early evening "rest". From 5-6 he would roll around in his crib and then Quinn would come home and get him out.
I like to be able to plan my days and know when I might be able to run errands and schedule appointments and get together with friends, so this A/B schedule this is a bit aggravating for me. I think I want a routine more right now, because I know that in a matter of weeks there will be no routine. The nice thing about a really new newborn is that you can take them with you anywhere. They do the same thing out and about that they would be doing at home: crying, eating, or sleeping - and the sleeping can happen anywhere at that point. So, if I'm feeling up to it I hope to not be home bound for two weeks or something like I was with Abram.
It's crazy to think that this girl is going to be totally different from Abram. I am expecting everything to go the same way (or more smoothly), but she'll have her own surprises and quirks and a personality that only God is aware of right now. Babies are a gift from the Lord in so many ways, but I think one of the ways is that He uses them to teach us that we are absolutely not in control. No matter how many books I read or how many kids I have, each one comes in His timing in the way that He designed them to be - not me. We just have to greet them with open arms and accept them the way that they were made by their excellent creator, even if it means trial and suffering sometimes.
Wow, that was a spiel tangent. Sorry.
We went to County Line the other night because Quinn's friend that moved home to Guatemala is in town and wants bar-b-q every night. It was Abram's first time. He looooved the bread. Just like his dad. It's really good bread. This is a blurry Abram face enjoying the night.
Here is me enjoying the largest plate of ribs I've ever seen. All three of us shared. And we took half of it home.
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