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...of a wardrobe

I had to go to Once Upon a Child the other day to buy Abram some 12 month shorts and t shirts. He only had 2 pairs of shorts and it's warming up here fast. I think he's a little warm natured anyway, so he's been sweating a lot in the pants and dress shirts that I have been dressing him in.

Once Upon a Child is a resale children's shop (if you don't have one near you). I usually limit myself to the amount I spend on any given piece. So I got 2 pairs of short for $5 each and 4 polo shirts for $2.50 each. Then I got up to the register and they asked me if I wanted to try to "make a basket" for 50% off my purchase. I looked around for a hoop and the girl pointed me to a tiny kids standing hoop on top of their display case behind the counter and she handed me a tennis ball sized ball. I've never been one of those lucky people and definitely not one of those skilled basket making people. So I asked her what happened if I knocked something off the wall. She said it was fine and they would just put it back. I really didn't want to take it seriously, because I knew that I wasn't going to make it, so I didn't want to embarrass myself by actually trying. So I just sort of tossed it from where I was standing (off to the side), and I actually made it! The girl said they only had 1-2 people who made it every day. Crazy lucky. Definitely not talent. I wished I had been buying more than $20 worth of clothes. BUT, it did knock it down to $10. So not a bad deal :)

A few months ago I bought Abram some baby Chuck Taylor Converse shoes from the same store and I couldn't wait until he fit in them. I pulled them out yesterday and they are still a bit big, but he can wear them! So I dressed him (in pants because it was not quite as warm) and he looked so grown up! I tried to get a picture, but it just happened to be at the moment that he decided he really needed to go outside and was quite frustrated with me that I wasn't letting it happen.

We finally did go outside. To the car. Which made him more unhappy. But we went to visit "Aunt Katie" (my friend that just had her baby boy, George). Abram was ok when we got there, though, since it's an awesome house full of kids. Steve and Katie are staying with Katie's parents, so there are two 7 year olds, a 3.5 year old, an almost 2 year old, and a newborn. It was good to let him play with a bunch of kids for awhile. He did really well, too. And when I held Baby George, Abram came over and looked at him, wanted to touch his awesome, fluffy hair, and then started giving him toys! He wasn't incredibly gentle in the giving process, so we had to stop him from actually getting the toy to George, but it was a good sign! And he actually said "baby" twice. Not "Ba Ba", like normal, but "baby". So good.

Anyway, I finished the brother sister shirts. I may do another, smaller one for Selah so that she can wear it when she's brand new. Here's how they turned out:

I don't know if white shirts with brown letters would be better... but the design turned out pretty well, I think.

K. I'm going to take a nap. I'm more tired today than I was yesterday even though I got 11 hours of sleep last night. The other night is either catching up with me, or I slept too much last night. Then I think I'm going to go to the outlet mall and look for a good pair of yoga pants that I might actually be able to wear out, since that's really the only thing that sounds good from my wardrobe these last few days and probably for the next few weeks. High fashion is not on my important list from weeks 34 to... the end. Sleeping, keeping Abram and myself relatively clean and well fed, and preparing for newborn land again are at the top of that list.


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