Today has already been hard, but with little moments of obvious blessings from the Lord mixed in.
It "started" at 1am when Abram woke up wailing. I let him go from about 10 minutes. He would stop for a minute and then cry for 30 seconds and did that for about 5 minutes. It sounded like he was in pain. I decided he probably needed some pain relief and water. So that's what I brought him. He was eager for the medicine (that kid loves all flavored medicine. Blessing.) And he gulped down some water. I rocked him for as long as I comfortably was able and then sat down next to him outside the crib, sang, and prayed for him. I left and he only cried out a few more times before both of us fell asleep around 2:30. Praise the Lord.
I write this and realize that I sound like a single parent, alone in my bed, listening to my child cry and the only one who could tend to his needs. Obviously that is not the case, but I am the wife of a pretty heavy sleeper. Through all of the monitor crying (which was fairly loud) and me getting up and down and turning on bathroom lights, Quinn did not stir at all. He had gone to bed at 9ish because he was going to get up at 5 to do a bible study with some friends. I hadn't gone to sleep yet, as I was waiting out the acid reflux from dinner and pill taking to settle enough for me to be able to lie down. So I figured I was the best candidate for the child-tending needs. And it didn't end up being that hard. I'm just hoping that Quinn regains his ear for crying as we will have some in our room in the near future and I'm sure that she will need to be a team job.
On a side note, my husband ended up not actually setting his alarm at all and waking up at 7:30, when he woke me up getting ready. So he ended up with 10.5 hours of sleep and I ended up with around 5. Needless to say, if there are Abram needs tonight, I think we know who will be (willingly) taking that shift.
This wasn't going to be a wordy post. Sorry. I'll get to the point. Abram still isn't wanting to eat much. He drank a smoothie this morning and ate some cheese, but refused peanut butter on bread. He is super irritable, bursting into tears about very minor things not going his way. The bumps on his hands and feet are becoming more visible, but there are still only about 5 on each extremity. His fever is down with no medication in the last 10 hours, so that's a blessing. He slept until almost 9 this morning and is down for a "nap" now, more for my sake than his. If he's not asleep by 12:30, we'll call it a rest, get him up, think about running errands where we wouldn't infect anyone, and put him down for a real nap around 3. I've washed my hands and sanitized them innumerable times this morning and can already feel them drying out. If I'm going to get it, I've probably already been exposed, but just in case I still have a chance I'm trying to be careful.
Anyway, here some of what we did this morning:
Whined and pouted. A lot.

Got dressed in an outfit that Nana bought Abram when he was about 6 months old, because the tag says 3-6 months. It was obvious at 6 months that it was tagged wrong and we've been waiting to see when he would actually fit in it. I should have tried it around 12 months, but a 16 month old with only a few clean clothes to speak of fits pretty nicely.
It "started" at 1am when Abram woke up wailing. I let him go from about 10 minutes. He would stop for a minute and then cry for 30 seconds and did that for about 5 minutes. It sounded like he was in pain. I decided he probably needed some pain relief and water. So that's what I brought him. He was eager for the medicine (that kid loves all flavored medicine. Blessing.) And he gulped down some water. I rocked him for as long as I comfortably was able and then sat down next to him outside the crib, sang, and prayed for him. I left and he only cried out a few more times before both of us fell asleep around 2:30. Praise the Lord.
I write this and realize that I sound like a single parent, alone in my bed, listening to my child cry and the only one who could tend to his needs. Obviously that is not the case, but I am the wife of a pretty heavy sleeper. Through all of the monitor crying (which was fairly loud) and me getting up and down and turning on bathroom lights, Quinn did not stir at all. He had gone to bed at 9ish because he was going to get up at 5 to do a bible study with some friends. I hadn't gone to sleep yet, as I was waiting out the acid reflux from dinner and pill taking to settle enough for me to be able to lie down. So I figured I was the best candidate for the child-tending needs. And it didn't end up being that hard. I'm just hoping that Quinn regains his ear for crying as we will have some in our room in the near future and I'm sure that she will need to be a team job.
On a side note, my husband ended up not actually setting his alarm at all and waking up at 7:30, when he woke me up getting ready. So he ended up with 10.5 hours of sleep and I ended up with around 5. Needless to say, if there are Abram needs tonight, I think we know who will be (willingly) taking that shift.
This wasn't going to be a wordy post. Sorry. I'll get to the point. Abram still isn't wanting to eat much. He drank a smoothie this morning and ate some cheese, but refused peanut butter on bread. He is super irritable, bursting into tears about very minor things not going his way. The bumps on his hands and feet are becoming more visible, but there are still only about 5 on each extremity. His fever is down with no medication in the last 10 hours, so that's a blessing. He slept until almost 9 this morning and is down for a "nap" now, more for my sake than his. If he's not asleep by 12:30, we'll call it a rest, get him up, think about running errands where we wouldn't infect anyone, and put him down for a real nap around 3. I've washed my hands and sanitized them innumerable times this morning and can already feel them drying out. If I'm going to get it, I've probably already been exposed, but just in case I still have a chance I'm trying to be careful.
Anyway, here some of what we did this morning:
Whined and pouted. A lot.

Got dressed in an outfit that Nana bought Abram when he was about 6 months old, because the tag says 3-6 months. It was obvious at 6 months that it was tagged wrong and we've been waiting to see when he would actually fit in it. I should have tried it around 12 months, but a 16 month old with only a few clean clothes to speak of fits pretty nicely.
Tried to go outside.

Lamented not being able to go outside.

Lamented not being able to go outside.
Settled for hanging out with Obie.

And picking cat hair off his hands.

And picking cat hair off his hands.
On my chore list for today (now that it seems Abram has indeed fallen asleep):
-Read the Word
-Do at least one load of laundry
-Disinfect a bag full of toys to be set aside until after we are over this thing
Happy Friday! Dads get to be home tomorrow! Yip!
-Read the Word
-Do at least one load of laundry
-Disinfect a bag full of toys to be set aside until after we are over this thing
Happy Friday! Dads get to be home tomorrow! Yip!
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